Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who Am I?

I read the prompt this morning on Dare to Share and have been thinking of it ever since. I do have plenty of posts that show pieces of me, but I decided to write a new one....and try to explain who I am.

I am multi-layered, formed from sins and accomplishments. With poor choices I learned, grew and gained in knowledge, faith and understanding. In success, I grew in confidence, knowledge, focus and faith as well.

I am mostly made up of my faith. More than anything else, this is what pushes me, directs me, and convicts me.

I have always been blessed. Whether experiencing divorce as a child, exploration of drugs and alcohol as a youth, teenage motherhood, wife of an addict, single mother, or now wife to a Godly man, teacher and grandmother...through it all, I was blessed. Through pain and joy I smiled, always ready to see the silver lining.

I am constantly changing, like the winds that pound against rock, changing the scenery...I am changing, eroding and becoming new all the time.

I dream. I wonder. I love. I create.

I want acceptance, peace, praise.

I run from conflict and confrontation...but not before my voice is heard!

I have secrets I wish I never began or gave birth to.

I walk in a cloud of compassion. I am sometimes misunderstood.

I am often quiet. I desire to grow, become better.

If I were to rewrite this time and time would change. Some things remain constant. Some things intensify, and others I let go.

This is me, today.


Brought this post back out to share on Let's Bee Friends to introduce myself.


  1. And you dared to share beautifully. I enjoyed your blog very much. Hopped from The Lightning...

  2. Ok I have to say this is a wonderful, transparent piece. I love it when people are "real" that's one thing God has taught me over the past few years "take off the masks and be who I created you to be.' I'm going to add your blog to both my blogs is the other. Cause women will be encouraged. Thanks

  3. I really enjoyed this post. This line especially was captivating for me "...I am changing, eroding and becoming new all the time." Lovely!

  4. I love that you considered yourself blessed through all of your tough times. Changing is good.

  5. Terry, thank you for sharing this post with us and the essence of who you are.

    This was my favorite line: "If I were to rewrite this time and time would change. Some things remain constant. Some things intensify, and others I let go." I imagine this is true for a lot of us...we're constantly changing and evolving, becoming more of ourselves.

  6. I like this, especially the last line, "this is me, today." We're all changing every day aren't we?

  7. I believe a common thread runs through all of us. Some threads are louder in others, some lie just under the surface. You are who you are because of what you have experienced. I don't think you should be ashamed of who you are, have been or will become. Life happens to us all. You are exactly who you were born to be, and that is enough. Take pride in your accomplishments, share your lessons, and who you are will turn out to be just who you were born to be. That's pretty fortunate as far as life goes.

  8. You had me with..."formed from sins and accomplishments".

    And, with that, I will follow you anywhere, my friend. Lovely, honest and heartwarming piece of work.

  9. I run from conflict and confrontation...but not before my voice is heard!
    Beautiful response, beautifully put!


I would love to have some feedback. Let me know what you love...and let me know what you don't.