Friday, August 26, 2011

The Light of Hope

It has been a while since I posted to my favorite fact they have changed their name. I had no excuse on the prompt for today, it was time to return. So first, here is the prompt:

This week’s assignment was simple: write a story of your choice. The catch? Write it as a tweet. Use only 140 characters – including spaces.
And no, the title doesn’t count.

And here it is 140 on the nose!

She wept. Like moonless eve darkness, loss left her blinded. Turning, she noticed light slipping within, clutching to its arms, was hope.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Loss of Memories

I decided not to link up this week to the meme I really want to get back to. The prompt this week was to pretend you could write away your worst memory.

A few things keeps you from responding to a post such as this. One is sharing those worst memories with the world. At least the "world" who reads you blog. It seems like every worst memory has someone within it you want to protect. A decision or choice leads to our worst memories, and those choices are not always the best.

Another don't want them to disappear. Those memories, no matter how bad...make you, you. All my memories good or bad, have created the me I am. I have learned from those memories. I have cherished memories created from those bad memories.

However, I think as a writer, we need to share it all. What I love to read...are other people's stories, their memories. Their choices in the midst of what may be their worst memories have created some of the best stories there are to read. As a writer I will need to find creative ways to share these memories, and these stories.

Our bad memories, are God's stories of how He worked it all out. How he took our poor choices and used them for His good. So that within them, we can learn, grow and have some special memories to cherish, always.